English |
French |
Literal translation |
Adapt and survive. |
Mieux vaut plier
que rompre. |
Better to bend than
to break. |
All's well that
ends well. |
Tout est bien qui
finit bien. |
All things come
to those who wait. |
Tout vient à
point à qui sait attendre. |
All comes on time
to the one who knows how to wait. |
As you make your
bed, so you must lie on it. |
Qui casse les verres
les paie.
Quand le vin est tiré, il faut le
boire. |
He who breaks the
glasses has to pay for them.
When the wine is drawn, one must drink it. |
As you sow, so shall
you reap. |
Qui sème
le vent récolte la tempête. |
He who sows the
wind reaps the storm. |
Beginner's luck. |
Aux innocents les
mains pleines. |
Full hands for the
innocents. |
Better late than
never |
Mieux vaut tard
que jamais |
Late is worth more
than never |
Can't see the forest
for the trees. |
L'arbre cache souvent
la forêt. |
The tree often hides
the forest. |
Caught between a
rock and a hard place. |
Entre l'arbre et
l'écorce il ne faut pas mettre le doigt. |
Between the tree
and the bark one shouldn't put a finger. |
Charity will be
rewarded in heaven. |
Qui donne aux pauvres
prête à Dieu. |
He who gives to
the poor loans to God. |
Come all ye faithful. |
Qui m'aime me suive. |
He who loves me,
follow me. |
Desperate times,
desperate measures. |
Aux grands maux
les grands remèdes. |
To the great evils
great remedies. |
Empty vessels make
the most noise. |
Ce sont les tonneaux
vides qui font le plus de bruit. |
It's the empty barrels
that make the most noise. |
The end justifies
the means. |
Qui veut la fin
veut les moyens. |
He who wants the
end wants the means. |
Enough is enough. |
Tant va la cruche
à l'eau qu'à la fin elle se casse. |
So often the pitcher
goes to the water that in the end it breaks. |
Every cloud has
a silver lining. |
Après la
pluie le beau temps.
À quelque chose malheur est bon. |
After the rain,
the nice weather.
Unhappiness is good for something. |
Every penny counts |
Un sou est un sou. |
A cent is a cent |
A good name is better
than riches. |
Bonne renommée
vaut mieux que ceinture dorée. |
Well namd is more
is worth more than golden belt. |
Hear the other side
and believe little. |
Qui n'entend qu'une
cloche n'entend qu'un son. |
He who hears only
one bell hears only one sound. |
He who can do more
can do less. |
Qui peut le plus
peut le moins. |
He who grasps at
too much loses everything. |
Qui trop embrasse
mal étreint. |
He who hugs too
much holds badly. |
He who has land
has quarrels. |
Qui terre a, guerre
a. |
Who land has, war
has. |
He who leaves his
place loses it. |
Qui va à
la chasse perd sa place. |
He who goes hunting
loses his place. |
He who sleeps forgets
his hunger. |
Qui dort dîne. |
He who sleeps eats. |
If ifs and ands
were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers'
hands. |
Avec des si et des
mais, on mettrait Paris dans une bouteille. |
With ifs and buts,
one would put Paris in a bottle. |
If the shoe fits,
wear it. |
Qui se sent morveux,
qu'il se mouche. |
He who feels stuffy
should blow his nose. |
If you can't stand
the heat, get out of the kitchen. |
Qui craint le danger
ne doit pas aller en mer. |
He who fears dangers
shouldn't go to sea. |
Ill gotten ill spent. |
Bien mal acquis
ne profite jamais. |
Goods poorly gotten
never profit. |
It never rains but
it pours. |
Un malheur ne vient
jamais seul. |
Misfortune never
comes alone. |
It's better to be
a hammer than a nail. |
Il vaut mieux être
marteau qu'enclume. |
It's better to be
hammer than anvil. |
It's better to let
well enough alone. |
Le mieux est l'ennemi
du bien. |
Better is the enemy
of good. |
It's the biter bit. |
Tel est pris qui
croyait prendre. |
He is taken who
thought he could take. |
It takes all kinds
(to make a world) |
Tous les goûts
sont dans la nature. |
All tastes are in
nature. |
The laborer is worthy
of his hire. |
Toute peine mérite
salaire. |
All trouble taken
deserves pay. |
Laugh on Friday,
cry on Sunday. |
Tel qui rit vendredi
dimanche pleurera. |
He who laughs on
Friday will cry on Sunday. |
Leave nothing to
chance. |
Il ne faut rien
laisser au hasard. |
Nothing should be
left to chance. |
Let well enough
alone. |
Le mieux est l'ennemi
de bien. |
The best is good's
enemy. |
Life goes on. |
Un clou chasse l'autre. |
One nail chases
the other. |
Look before you
leap. |
Il faut réfléchir
avant d'agir. |
You have to think
before acting. |
Love me love my
dog. |
Qui m'aime aime
mon chien. |
He who loves me
loves my dog. |
Lucky at cards,
unlucky in love. |
Heureux au jeu,
malheureux en amour. |
Happy in the game,
unhappy in love. |
Manners change with
the times. |
Autres temps, autres
moeurs. |
Other times, other
morals. |
Marry in haste,
repent later. |
Qui se marie à
la hâte se repent à loisir. |
He who marries in
haste repents in leisure. |
Might makes right. |
La raison du plus
fort est toujours la meilleure. |
The strongest reason
is always the best. |
More haste less
speed. |
Qui va lentement
va sûrement. |
He who goes slowly
goes surely. |
Never say die. |
Il ne faut jamais
jeter le manche après la cognée. |
One should never
throw the handle after the felling axe. |
Never say never. |
Il ne faut jamais
dire " Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton
eau ! " |
You should never
say, "Fountain, I will never drink your water!" |
No one is bound
to do the impossible. |
À l'impossible
nul n'est tenu. |
No pain no gain. |
Il faut casser le
noyau pour avoir l'amande. |
You need to break
the shell to have the almond. |
No sooner said than
done |
Aussitôt dit,
aussitôt fait |
Immediately said,
immediately done |
Nothing is impossible
for a willing heart. |
À coeur vaillant
rien d'impossible. |
To a valient heart
nothing impossible. |
Nothing ventured,
nothing gained. |
Qui ne risque rien
n'a rien. |
He who risks nothing
has nothing. |
Only the rich get
richer. |
On ne prête
qu'aux riches. |
One only lends to
the rich. |
Practice makes perfect. |
C'est en forgeant
qu'on devient forgeron. |
It's by forging
that one becomes a blacksmith. |
Prevention is better
than cure. |
Mieux vaut prévenir
que guérir. |
Better to prevent
than to cure. |
Punctuality is the
politness of kings. |
L'exactitude est
la politesse des rois. |
Rome wasn't built
in a day. |
Paris ne s'est pas
fait en un jour. |
Paris wasn't made
in a day. |
Silence gives consent. |
Qui ne dit mot consent. |
He who says nothing
consents. |
Slow and steady
wins the race. |
Qui veut voyager
loin ménage sa monture.
Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à
point. |
He who wants to
travel far spares his mount.
Running is worthless, you have to leave
on time. |
Spare the rod and
spoil the child. |
Qui aime bien châtie
bien. |
He who loves well
punishes well. |
Step out of line
and you'll lose your place. |
Qui va à
la chasse perd sa place. |
He who goes hunting
loses his place. |
Tall oaks from little
acorns grow. |
Les petits ruisseaux
font les grandes rivières. |
The little streams
make the big rivers. |
There are none so
distant that fate cannot bring together. |
Il n'y a que les
montagnes qui ne se rencontrent jamais. |
There are only mountains
that never meet. |
There can be no
middle course. |
Il faut qu'une porte
soit ouverte ou fermée. |
A door must be open
or closed. |
There is no such
word as "can't." |
Impossible n'est
pas français. |
Impossible isn't
French. |
There's no telling
what tomorrow will bring. |
Les jours se suivent
et ne se ressemblent pas. |
The days follow
each other and don't look alike. |
There will be bumps
in the smoothest roads. |
En tout pays, il
y a une lieue de mauvais chemin. |
In every country
there is a league of bad road. |
Time is money |
Le temps, c'est
de l'argent |
Time, that's money |
Times change. |
Autres temps, autres
moeurs. |
Other times, other
customs. |
Time will tell. |
Qui vivra verra. |
He who lives will
see. |
To each his own. |
Chacun voit midi
à sa porte. |
Everyone sees noon
at his door. |
To strike while
the iron is hot. |
Battre le fer pendant
qu'il est chaud. |
To hit the iron
while it's hot. |
A warm Christmas
means a cold Easter. |
Noël au balcon,
Pâques aux tisons. |
Christmas on the
balcony, Easter at the embers. |
Walls have ears. |
Les murs ont des
oreilles. |
Watch out - you
might get burned. |
Qui s'y frotte s'y
pique. |
He who rubs against
it gets stung. |
What's bred in the
bone will come out in the flesh. |
Bon sang ne saurait
mentir. |
Good blood doesn't
know how to lie. |
What will be will
be. |
Qui vivra verra. |
He who lives will
see. |
Where there's a
will, there's a way. |
Quand on veut, on
Vouloir, c'est pouvoir. |
When one wants,
one can
To want, that's to be able. |
Where there's smoke,
there's fire. |
Il n'y a pas de
fumée sans feu. |
There's no smoke
without fire. |
Whoever laughs last
laughs best. |
Rira bien qui rira
le dernier. |
Will laugh well
he who laughs last. |
You can't be in
two places at once. |
On ne peut pas être
à la fois au four et au moulin. |
One can't be at
the oven and the mill at the same time. |
You can't have your
cake and eat it too. |
On ne peut pas avoir
le beurre et l'argent du beurre. |
You can't have the
butter and the money from the butter. |
You pay for your
mistakes. |
Qui casse les verres
les paye. |
He who breaks the
glasses pays for them. |
Youth is wasted
on the young. |
Si jeunesse savait,
si vieillesse pouvait. |
If youth knew, if
old age could. |